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Quartz is one of the most popular species for New Hampshire mineral collectors. It is found in many different varities including clear, milky, smoky, amethyst (purple-lavender), rose, and the botryoidal form chalcedoney.
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QUARTZ    100 yards south of town line (Rt. 156), behind a ridge and near Pawtuckaway Pond, Raymond, NH
4.5 cm cluster of double terminated quartz crystals
Species:           QUARTZ  
Locality:          100 yards south of town line (Rt. 156), behind a ridge and near Pawtuckaway Pond, Raymond, NH
Specimen Size: 4.5 cm cluster of double terminated quartz crystals
Field Collected: Don Swenson - 1994
Catalog No.: A Don Swenson specimen.
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QUARTZ - smoky crystals    Palermo #1 Mine, (on the arch), N. Groton, NH
7 cm specimen
Species:           QUARTZ - smoky crystals  
Locality:          Palermo #1 Mine, (on the arch) N. Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 7 cm specimen
Field Collected: Gene Bearss - Sept 30, 1982
Catalog No.: 2043
Notes: Moderate size smoky quartz crystals from the Palermo Mine are uncommon. The bright white areas are apatite (hydroxyl?). Acquired from MMNE silent auction.
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QUARTZ   Palermo #1 Mine, N. Groton, NH
7 cm specimen with 2.8 cm quartz crystal
Species:           QUARTZ  
Locality:         Palermo #1 Mine, N. Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 7 cm specimen with 2.8 cm quartz crystal
Field Collected: Gene Bearss - April 29, 1982
Catalog No.: 2044
Notes: Gene's label gave exact date of the field trip.
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QUARTZ   Surprise Pocket, Gilman Notch, Ossipee, NH
7 cm specimen (vertical) with 1.8 cm scepter smoky quartz crystal

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QUARTZ   Surprise Pocket, Gilman Notch, Ossipee, NH
Zoom view shows embedded acicular metalic? needles.
Species:           QUARTZ  
Locality:         Surprise Pocket, Gilman Notch, Ossipee, NH
Specimen Size: 7 cm specimen (vertical) with 1.8 cm scepter smoky quartz crystal
Field Collected:
Catalog No.: 2055
Notes: Zoom view shows embedded acicular metalic? needles in sceptered crystal. These are just visible in the whole specimen view.
[tm] I am uncertain if these embedded needles have been satisfactorily analyzed. A protruding crystal on this specimen will provide a source for analysis.... stand by!
The Surprise Pocket yielded hurdreds of pounds of quartz crystal specimens. See article by Herndon & Green Rocks and Minerals Mar./Apr. 2011, pgs 168-173.
The bright white mineral in the top photo is feldspar.
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QUARTZ   Perhaps 50 yards south of Line Hill Rd., Dumbarton, NH
11 cm specimen with oxide coated quartz crystals.

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Perhaps 50 yards south of Line Hill Rd., Dumbarton, NH
Specimen Size: 11 cm specimen with oxide coated quartz crystals.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
Notes: I was guided to this large quartz outcrop by Vince Valade in June 2003. 1 mm nodules of hematite-goethite are present on some of the crystal faces. This is a representative specimen from this obscure locality.
This was a very difficult ledge to work. Vince used a Ryobi power drill.
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QUARTZ   Moose Pocket, Albany, NH
8.5 cm x 5 cm specimen.

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QUARTZ   Moose Pocket, Albany, NH
8.5 cm x 5 cm specimen.

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:         Moose Pocket, Albany, NH
Specimen Size: 8.5 cm x 5 cm specimen. Front & back views
Field Collected:
Catalog No.: A Ray Meyers purchased specimen
Notes: Fritz Moritz photos.
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QUARTZ - Pseudomorph   Rt. 11 Brookside Crossing, Gilford, NH
3 mm tabular quartz pseudomorph crystals

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QUARTZ - Pseudomorph   Rt. 11 Brookside Crossing, Gilford, NH
7 cm specimen
Species:           QUARTZ - Pseudomorph  
Locality:         Rt. 11 Brookside Crossing, Gilford, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm tabular quartz pseudomorph crystals with quartz crystals on 7 cm specimen
Field Collected: Unknown
Catalog No.: 2053
Notes: Purchased at the 2017 Gilsum Rock swap. I spotted small suspect "apatite" crystals with my eye loupe. At the macro level this specimen is quite pedistrian, perhaps even ugly, with all the rusty limonite. The label just gave the locality, no mineral names, not quartz, not apatite. There also some small black metalic crystals on this piece, perhaps hematite.
No muriatic fizz, so not calcite. A Nov., 2017 EDS analysis showed only Si and O suggesting a quartz pseudomorph after something. An April 2018 retest, (BC281), EDS analysis also confirmed only quartz. Peter Cristofono suggested quartz pseudomorphs after calcite. I think calcite is the best choice for the the pre-pseudomorph mineral.
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QUARTZ var. Amethyst   Rt. 2 road cut, Randolf, NH
8 cm high specimen

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QUARTZ var. Amethyst   Rt. 2 road cut, Randolf, NH
8 cm high specimen

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QUARTZ var. Amethyst   Rt. 2 road cut, Randolf, NH
8 cm high specimen
Species:           QUARTZ var. Amethyst  
Locality:          Rt. 2 road cut, Randolf, NH
Specimen Size: 8 cm high specimen - two slightly different lighting options. Ray Meyers asked that I rotate photo for vertical C axis, so I obliged in third photo.
Field Collected: Carlton Holt
Catalog No.: A Carlton Holt specimen
Notes: This is arguably the best amethyst crystal that has been found in New Hampshire.
A handheld camera photo from the 2018 NEMC, Bethel, ME.
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QUARTZ   Johnson Rd., Bow, NH
14 cm specimen (5.5 inch). Quartz crystal vein section.

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Johnson Rd., Bow, NH
Specimen Size: 14 cm specimen (5.5 inch). Quartz crystal vein section.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
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QUARTZ   Johnson Rd., Bow, NH
5.5 cm specimen - oxide coated milky quartz crystals

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Johnson Rd., Bow, NH
Specimen Size: 5.5 cm specimen - oxide coated milky quartz crystals
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 2076
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